The Minnow Lake Restoration Group has decided to finally go to court and start a legal battle against the newest Kingsway Entertainment District (KED) report. Ian Wood, the city’s executive director of Strategic Initiatives, Communications, and Citizen Service, and Mayor Brian Bigger, file this report.
The Minnow Lake Restoration Group is convinced that the council didn’t have enough information about KED and they also stated that the KED report didn’t have enough information about the project.
Because of that, The Minnow Lake Restoration Group believes that the decision for the KED location should not stand.
The Minnow Lake Restoration Group has officially filed its evidence and sent it to the court. The evidence was submitted on September 17, 2021. It features the transcripts of local elected officials and staff from public meetings.
The organization said that Mayor, Council, and Senior Staff have made several crucial errors while making the report. Because of these errors, they have failed to follow the rule of procedural fairness. When they failed to include vital information about the client or the project, they jeopardized the whole procedure.
Lawyer Gillespie, who represents the Minnow Lake Restoration Group, told the press that the city could decide to file additional information on the requested topics for review. He said that the end goal is to have the city follow the process that the public and some council members expected to happen.