On Wednesday, Ontario’s new COVID-19 vaccination passport takes effect, requiring people to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination in order to enter non-essential businesses in Ottawa and across the province.
CTVNewsOttawa.ca looks at what you need to know about the COVID-19 proof of vaccination program in Ottawa.
What is the COVID-19 proof of vaccination system?
To access certain non-essential businesses and settings, patrons will need to show proof of identification and proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 beginning Sept. 22.
Non-essential businesses will not require children under the age of 12 to show proof of vaccination.
How do I show proof of vaccination?
Individuals aged 12 and above can provide a paper or digital copy of their vaccination receipt, according to the Ontario government. At the moment of vaccination, it must include name, vaccination date, and product name.
The COVID-19 vaccination receipt can be downloaded from Ontario’s provincial booking portal.
You must also prove the vaccine receipt is yours by providing government issued identification that includes your name and date of birth.
Exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccination system?
Exemptions to the proof of COVID-19 vaccination regulation include:
-Children under 12
-Young people under the age of 18 who participate in indoor organized sports, such as training, games, and competitions.
-Those who have a medical exemption will be allowed to enter non-essential businesses and settings without having to provide proof of vaccination. government says there are only two valid medical exemptions from COVID-19 vaccines.
Where you need to show proof of vaccination in Ottawa and eastern Ontario
-Indoor areas of restaurants, bars, and other food and drink establishments without dance floors
-Nightclubs and bars’ indoor and outdoor areas (including patio areas)
-Meeting and event spaces’ indoor areas
-Indoor areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities
-Sporting events
-Indoor gyms, fitness/sporting/recreational facilities, pools, leagues, waterparks, and indoor areas of facilities where spectators watch
-Casinos, bingo halls, and other gaming venues
-Cinemas and movie theaters
-Indoor areas of concert venues
-Horse racing tracks, car racing tracks, and other similar venues’ indoor areas
-Indoor areas where commercial film and TV productions with studio audiences
Where you won’t need proof of vaccination in Ottawa and eastern Ontario
-Medical care, as well as health and safety purposes
-Restaurant patios
-Restaurants and bars offer takeout and delivery services.
-Salon and barber shops, as well as other personal care services
-Retail shopping
-Grocery shopping
-Places of worship
-Wedding and funeral services, rites or ceremonies
According to the Ontario government, a patron entering an indoor area at an establishment that requires proof of vaccination for the following reasons is not required to show proof of vaccination:
-Use a washroom
-Enter an outdoor area that is only accessible via an indoor route
-Placing an order or picking one up
-Paying for an order
-To purchase admission
All other public health measures (masking and physical distancing) apply to all patrons.
Can Quebec residents visit Ottawa restaurants and sporting facilities?
With proof of vaccination, fully vaccinated residents of Quebec and other jurisdictions will be allowed to enter non-essential establishments in Ottawa.
A vaccination receipt from another jurisdiction that proves the holder is completely vaccinated against COVID-19 can be shown, according to the Ontario government.
You must also show photo identification.
Ottawa sporting events/facilities
-The Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group has declared that all indoor and outdoor ticketed event guests (12 and older) and event staff must be fully vaccinated. To enter TD Place and TD Place Arena, guests and staff must show evidence of vaccination as well as a valid ID.
-Only fully vaccinated persons will be allowed into Canadian Tire Centre for Senators games this season, according to the Ottawa Senators.
-As on Sept. 22, only fully vaccinated clients will be allowed inside the National Arts Centre for performances, meetings, events, and access to the restaurant.
-All patrons attending the University of Ottawa campus for events must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 15.
Rideau Carleton Casino
According to the Rideau Carleton Casino, visitors will need proof of complete vaccination starting Sept. 22 in order to access the casino at Rideau Carleton Raceway.
This is in addition to the current screening, contact tracing, and Safe and Sound protocols in place at Rideau Carleton Casino, which will be the future home of Hard Rock.
Rideau Centre
The Rideau Centre has announced that proof of vaccination will be required in order to dine in the mall’s food court and restaurants.
Patrons must present proof of vaccination as well as a government-issued ID.
The Canadian War Museum has announced that proof of vaccination would not be required to enter the museum’s exhibition spaces or public areas.
Anyone aged 12 and older will need to provide proof of vaccination starting Sept. 22 in order to use the museum’s food services.